Sources are reporting that Against Me! frontman Tom Gabel was arrested last night in Tallahassee, Florida on a charge of battery after allegedly "smashing a man's head against the counter of a coffee shop."
The Tallahassee Democrat is reporting that Gabel tore down an article about his band that was hanging in the coffee shop. The clipping was reportedly defaced to mock the popular punk act. This lead to an argument with a patron who had asked Gabel why he tore the article down. The Democrat reports that Gabel started yelling at 22 year old Jared Smith, who backed away from the confrontation stating "This conversation is over."
Witnesses report that Gabel replied "I don't think it is" and knocked a cup out of Smith's hand. Smith told police that Gabel then grabbed the back of his head by his neck and forced his head into the wooden counter. A barista reported that a third individual then "came into the cafe, put Gabel in a headlock and headbutted him." That man left the scene soon after.
Gabel admitted to police he intentionally knocked over the cup but denied hitting Smith, who did not suffer injuries. Smith told police that he was "more upset and scared than hurt." Gabel was taken in by the Leon County Sheriff's office after the band's scheduled performance that night and released this morning on $ 500 bail.
The tour will seemingly go on as scheduled as the band continues to support their major label debut, New Wave.