Capsule recently hit the road in support of their newest album, No Ghost. While on the road, the band documented some of their adventures and we present the first set of stories in tonight's Dispatches.
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April 15
First day back on the road after a week of being home. Was nice to get an intermission between 2 months of touring. Played a kick off show in Miami last night with our buddies in Shroud Eater and Beings. First show out of town is in Tampa @ Transitions. First dilemma of the tour is we blow out a tire doing 70mph on I75 which sucks because we have to ride the rest of the way on a ghetto little donut tire but we make it! Show in tampa is pretty awesome and we finally get to see our buddy shanes band Fatal shred it up live! We do the damn thing and head to the Taco Bus after the show with our boy Matt to grub it up. Crash at our buddies house who subsequently invited a ton of people over so sleeping wasnt happening for a while. After the drinks have flowed Colin and Ryan witness a dude run up to his friends car and just straight karate kick a monster dent into the side. They argue over the reason for it for a long ass time which ends up closing the night. Goodnight tampa!
April 16
. Waking up early to solve our tire problem and do our epic drive to Mississippi. Get a delicious new tire down the street, breakfast and take off. Before we get on the highway someone yells to us from their car " your trailer is open!!!" FUCK stoner moment number 1. We pull over and check to find no gear has fallen out and we are chillin. Whew. Fast forward 9 hours we get to the venue in mississippi which is called The Squeaky Lizard! Grab some bbq at the joint next door and wait for things to get started. Show had a bunch of confusion on the actual start time so people showed up in waves. We unload our gear to find out that the only thing that happened to fall out of the trailer in tampa was Ryans luggage with all of his clothes FAIL! Show ended up being awesome!! Hung hard and rode to gulfport to crash. Party #2! Tons of people from the show end up at the spot and a beer pong tournament lights up as capsule engages in a fooseball match. Meet tons of awesome people and had a grsat time.Awesome night!
April 17
Wake up fairly late considering our drive to new orleans is short. Get to NOLA early and spend the afternoon hanging out in the French Quarter. Early show @ Dragons Den starts round 7:30pm and turned out fairly well. We hang out for awhile after the show and end up meeting up with some friends from home and some of us decide to stay for the dubsteb event happening upstairs at the Dragons Den. Lets just say this night results in adventure and 0 sleep! Good times
April 18
th Everyone reunites in the afternoon and gets a late start to Houston. We roll up to Mangos @ about 9:30 as some hiphop show is ending before the loud bands start. Show is ok and we head back to Ryans parents place who happen to live in Houston to rest and recover from the night before!
April 19
Off to Austin! Get to town a little early and we hang out and talk shit with some of the dudes running the Broken Neck. Show gets started and is HOT as hell. No ventilation or AC in the monster showspace that has some killer skate ramps scattered around. We play last and sweat almost all the liquid out of our bodies. Brutal one. Head back to Brians spot to crash and get some late night eats.
April 20
Wake up early to take care of changing a trailer tire which looks as if its ready to shred apart. Suckers are expensive! Anyways we hang at freebirds burritos while we wait and then head off to OKC. We get to Bad Grannys right before showtime. The venue is this awesome thrift store full of wild shit that has a big space in the back where they throw shows. From the posters on the wall alot of killer ones have happened here. Show rules! Totally packed and raging. All the bands who played were awesome got to see some old friends and kick it! After the show we head to our bud James' place and do what we must since its 4/20. Finally saw hot tub time machine and then zzzzz.
April 21
Day off! Did some car maintainence a drove forever to the desert! We pick up our drummer alex tomorrow in phoenix and get going as the full band for the rest of the tour. As not mentioned we have jamming these shows as a trio playing mostly old tunes as alex had some stuff to take care of at home before meeting us! See you this week west coast!!