Rage! 20 Years of Punk Rock - West Coast Style

Rage! 20 Years of Punk Rock - West Coast Style

Anonymous writes : Digidance Digital Cinema Film Festival is debuting the new punk documentary "Rage! 20 Years of Punk Rock - West Coast Style" on January 20th in Park City, Utah.
Digidance is a touring festival and are enjoying their second year at Sundance. They plan to take "Rage!" on the road with them with huge events planned in Los Angeles in March and NY in April. Both events will likely include skateboarding exhibitions as well as live punk bands. Plans to tour the film may also include the Cannes Film Festival later this year.
"Rage!" features unseen footage and in-depth interviews with great seminals like Jello Biafra, Jack Grisham, Duane Peters and Keith Morris, and will include a soundtrack.
If you would like more information, would like to sponsor any of the upcoming events or have a recognized band you feel should be included in our line-up go to http://www.geocities.com/punk_publicist
Information will be updated as it comes in.
We posted news of this film when it was in development, it's great to see that its' moving along well. This was submitted by (most likely) someone from the film....