Bracket studio report

Bracket has been regularly updating their blog with the their recording progress. Here's the latest:

We're feverishly working on vocals these days...we're at the studio as much as we can be, but believe me, there are lots and lots of vocals on this album. It's our Pet Sounds, Sgt. Pepper, and um...Rocket to Russia all rolled up in one. We're calling it Sgt. Pepper's Pet Rocket Sounds. So watch out.
...We have seventeen songs, and plan for all of them to be on the album. And as far as being well-rounded - don't worry, there are plenty of "rockers" like those. But there are some new elements in our songs that we're really excited about...
There's a song with a string quartet as the lead instruments. There are slower songs, there are faster songs, and some in between...I have to say it's pretty well rounded.

The record is expected soon on Fat Wreck Chords.