The Stereo Splits: Former members form "Attention"

: Jamie posted this message to The Stereo's brand new webpage on 1/23, and it is a little bit on the shocking side. Take a look:

A lot of talk has been going around about The Stereo over the past year if we
have broken up or quit touring etc etc. Well recent
events have come to light which makes it easier to
finally put all the rumors to rest.... The Stereo have
talked about a lot of things lately & the boys are
leaving the group while I will be continuing with The
Stereo once I'm fully recovered from injuries. As of
now I can't even hold a guitar let alone play one.
Anyway, it was essentially personal & creative
differences that caused this course of action.
Those guys were heading in one direction while I
was heading in another. Eventually, it started to
cause serious problems & tension within the group.
So instead of dragging out things any longer, we've
worked it out & decided the best course of action
for all parties. It is my sincere hope that the boys &
myself still remain friends & that you the fans will
try to understand our predicament & ultimately
support us in our difficult decision. Jeremy, JT &
Erik along with their drummer Chip have a new
group called Attention that will be out on tour this
summer & I hope to start working on a new record
as soon as I am healed....
All I have to say is wow.