Charities: CORRECTED: Ontario Pitbull Rescue

UPDATE 3/4: The original submission of this story contains incorrect information. According to CTV News the legislation passed into law would prohibit breeding pitbulls and future purchases and imports of the dogs, and ones who do not find homes will indeed be euthanized and/or given to research facilities. The article states:

In order to protect existing pit bulls from a mass cull, a grandfather clause is included in the legislation that would require pit bulls to be muzzled and leashed in public.

On March 1st Ontario attorney General Michael Bryant has successfully passed a law banning all American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, and all "Pitbull-type dogs" from the entire province of Ontario.
There are many communities in the US and Canada trying to pass similar
legislation and many have succeeded. As the original version of this story stated, Blackout Records is hosting an email contact for anyone interested in fostering one of the dogs, however in light of this clarification the situation won't lead to any sort of cull. Blackout's original submission is below.

There are several people involved in rescuing the cream-of-the-crop Pit Bulls from the Ontario shelters over the next 60 days. These compassionate rescue people are trying to get foster or permanent homes outside of the province (preferably in the US) for as many dogs as possible to reduce the number of good dogs euthanized or given to research facilities. All dogs saved will be temperament tested, up-to-date with shots and vet care, and spayed/neutered. All ages of dogs will be available - including puppies. Transport will be worked out and costs to the new homes should be minimal. The object is to save a life and a breed of dog - not to make money.

If anyone is interested in fostering a dog please email and we will forward your name to the appopriate people.

Even if the only thing that comes from this e-mail is that people who didn't know this is happening in Ontario now do - it is an accomplishment. There are many communities in the US trying to pass similar legislation and many have succeeded. The laws are misguided, infringe upon our rights, and ignore what hundreds of animal experts have been saying: There is no breed of dog that is inherently dangerous to human beings. Irresponsible and ill-informed owners are the problem,
not the dogs.
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