Kid Dynamite updates on forthcoming DVD, due out in 2006

Kid Dynamite updates on forthcoming DVD, due out in 2006

While unconfirmed rumours abound, the only definitive news about acclaimed hardcore act Kid Dynamite is the progress of their long awaited DVD. The package was first promised in 2003 with the release of Cheap Shots, Youth Anthems. According to sources in the band, the DVD is progressing steadily, and the source revealed some tentative features for the DVD, though as work in underway this may change.

The DVD is expected to include live footage from their first and last show as well as their reunion for the Syrentha Savio Endowment in 2003. As well, the DVD will include interviews including a special group interview created for the DVD, and plenty of behind the scenes material. The DVD will be packaged with artwork produced by Jeremy Dean who was also responsible for the artwork for both Kid Dynamite and Shorter, Faster, Louder. A commentary and photo gallery are also planned.

While nothing is definitive as yet, the band and label hope to see a release in early 2006. The esteemed band broke up in 2000.