Zao announces "The Lesser Lights of Heaven"

Zao announces "The Lesser Lights of Heaven"

Zao has released some information about their upcoming DVD. The 2-Disc set, titled The Lesser Lights of Heaven will span the band's entire career and is due out in October. It was directed by longtime friend and manager Ryan Downey, a
music journalist and former writer/producer for MTV and reporter for
MSNBC. The set will include a two-hour documentary with interviews with the present lineup, ex-members, friends, label staff
and peers in other bands. talking about the history and influence of the band.

The second disc will also include two full live sets, one from their recent appearance on the Strhess Tour with Bleeding Through and the other on the band's
own Praise The War Machine tour - as well as a dozen songs shot over
the years at various points in the band's history.

Following the release and the
tour with Unearth, the band will return to Greensburg in order to
prepare a new album for Ferret, due out in 2006.