Editors' Picks: The Deadly Snakes / Coffin Lids

Long time, no MP3 eh? Let's get back on the trolley.

Adam: How good is Porcella? The Deadly Snakes completely reinvented themselves here, and while there are less outright garage freakouts the amount of layered, atmospheric compositions makes up for it. You'd suspect they were listing to Rain Dogs quite a bit when recording it. The fact that the band sequestered themselves in an cabin somewhere in northern Ontario to record is just fascinating to me. It seems isolation-based efforts always result in some intense stuff. Porcella's in stores in Canada via Paper Bag and in the US on In The Red.

The Deadly Snakes - Gore Veil

This one is too fun. I reviewed a Coffin Lids record a while back but they fell off my radar soon thereafter. They're a three piece from Boston, heavy on the distortion in a Zombies / Sonics way. Round Midnight just came out on Bomp, and I'm sure the's are thrilled.

Coffin Lids - I'm Going To Have My Way (With The 5,6,7,8's)