The Almighty Trigger Happy are BACK! - kinda... writes "After a couple years of breakup, and no official tour for their final album, "I Hate Us," Al Nolan has rounded up some new guys to get out on the road and finally do that "I Hate Us" Tour. Al explains, "I have put together a new version of Trigger Happy, featuring some excellent musicians. Each guy was part of the family, without being in the band. Like most people, I would usually bum out on a band with only one original member, but you should know that Mark, Ruston, & Johnny have all moved on to happier and more satisfying things. And I'm happy for them." It looks like the almighty has turned into the vengeful ... Trigger Happy are one of the most underappreciated hardcore punk bands around."

Trigger Happy are definately one of those bands that has been look over by the punk rock royalty and it is really good to see them back in some form. Just a few more additions to the T.H. family..." Trigger Happy are great... I remember Al helped me out with one of my first interviews when I was doing a tiny little zine with 250 copies every two or three months. Pretty cool guy too, he snowboarded professionally for awhile, and he worked at some of the better skate shops here in Toronto... and yeah, they are too good to be so underrated.