The Ataris plan summer release for "Welcome the Night"

The Ataris plan summer release for "Welcome the Night"

The Ataris are in the final stages of work on their upcoming album. The band expects one more week of work before the album is completed. The album, titled Welcome the Night, follows up 2003's So Long, Astoria and is the first with the band's seven piece lineup.

The band had this to say:

The album will contain twelve songs, three of which we wrote in the last few months and decided to add to the record at the last minute. Although now after much necessary delay we are all very much anticipating the record's official July 2006 release and a full tour of the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to follow. New sound clips, photos, artwork and other information will be posted very soon. Along with the launch of a new website in additon to our Myspace.

The band's most recent release was 2004's Live At the Metro CD.