Jericho's Echo screenings in Europe

Jericho's Echo screenings in Europe

A 14-day European screening run for Liz Nord's documentary Jericho's Echo: Punk Rock in the Holy Land has been announced.

Jericho's Echo documents the current situation in Israel via the perspective of the punk scene, and includes topics ranging from the Israeli Religious Right, to suicide bombings and the future of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The film includes appearances from more than a dozen Israeli bands, including acts like Useless ID and Man Alive. Click below for screening info.

Date Venue City Country
March 26 Southside Works Cinema Pittsburgh, PA USA
March 29 Sunny Red M__Nich Germany
March 30 Moviemento Linz Austria
March 31 Alte Gerberei Johann/Tirol Austria
April 1 Never Conform Festival Austria
April 2 K4 N__Rnberg Germany
April 3 Bamcinematek Brooklyn, NY USA
April 3 AZ Conni Dresden Germany
April 4 Eiszeit Kino Berlin Germany
April 5 Ajz Neubrandenburg Germany
April 6 Lichtmess Kino Hamburg Germany
April 7 Cobra Solingen Germany
April 8 Nexus Braunschweig Germany
April 9 Gerbertrasse Weimar Germany
April 10 Cinema Munster Munster Germany
April 11 Apollo Filmtheater Aachen Germany
April 12 Ex-Haus Trier Germany
April 13 Filmhaus Saarbr__Cken Germany
April 27 Red Vic Movie House San Francisco, California USA