Anti-Flag contributes "The New Millenium Generation" to Military Free Zone

Anti-Flag contributes "The New Millenium Generation" to Military Free Zone

Anti-Flag have contributed an unreleased song to Military Free Zone. The song, "The New Millenium Generation," can be found on the index page for download or streaming. Singer Justin Sane said this about the project:

Ending militarism around the world starts with ending militarism at home. We encourage students in this country one by one to OPT OUT of the recruitment process and to speak out against the misleading recruitment tactics of the US military.

Military Free Zone is a project of the Underground Action Aliance to educate and inform the public about the option to opt out of sharing your personal information with Military recruiters under Section 9528 of The No Child Left Behind Act. More information can be found at their website. recently posted a two part interview with the band (Part 1 and Part 2), following the release of their debut for RCA, For Blood and Empire.