Propagandhi On The Run
Chris and Jord from Propagandhi are running in a 10km run on August 11th, 2001. The race is to raise funds for the Anarchist Black Cross Warchest,
the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
and the Crossing Communities Art Project. Here's his challenge "Now i need people to pledge money for this thing (kinda like any other fundraising run). I have to raise a minimum of $25.00 to enter, but i know with your help we can kick some ass here. What's in it for you? Well, the knowledge that you've contributed to the longevity of some organizations that are doing critical work in the field of political prisoner support. The organizers say this is a "non-competitive" event, but fuck that touchy-feely-sensitive-90's-man-shit. If i get enough pledges--like $1000.00 worth--i intend to fucking win this thing. Even if i have to threaten other runners out of running, i'm going to win. Even if i have to have Kowalski pick me up in the van when no one is looking and drive to the finish line, i'm going to win. Check out their web page for donation info...