Limewire next target in peer-to-peer abolishment campaign

Limewire next target in peer-to-peer abolishment campaign

In a seemingly never-ending war to eliminate all free peer-to-peer file sharing software, music industry heavyweights have now targeted the popular software Limewire, developed by a company of the same name (Lime Wire, LLC).

Much like recently defeated foes Grokster and Kazaa, the Limewire software is supported by users sharing music with one another, a practice the industry argues, infringes on potential sales.

The RIAA is seeking damages of "at least $30,000 for every infringement of every recording and at least $150,000 for every willful infringement of each recording", according to Billboard. Their most recent victory came last month, in a settlement reached with Sharman Networks (makers of Kazaa) for a reported $115 million, and the agreement to no longer support unauthorized downloads. The RIAA has also made it very clear that those downloading should be held responsible, and has even used available media outlets to express its own opinions on the moral implications of the practice

For the complete story on the Limewire case, go here.