Break-ups: The Code (2000-2006)

Break-ups: The Code (2000-2006)

The Code have announced that as of October 14th they'll be "calling it a day." The band released an official statement on their website explaining the break up:

On October 14th 2006 The Code will be calling it a day. It has been an amazing 6-year ride and we would like to thank everyone who has ever expressed interest in our band or put a show on for us. We love you all and want you to know that we appreciate everything you've done for us. (You know who you are)...

You can click Read More for Marcdefiant's full statement and information on the band's final three shows.

…As members of The Code we have always tried to maintain a positive and honest reputation. Over the past year we have had a few internal discussions about what we wanted from this band and the most part we were all on the same track. Up until very recently we were working on a new full-length record that we wanted to have out by the end of the fall. We had a good record worth of songs that we were very stoked on and we began demo-ing the songs and talking about when we were going to record them.

About a month or so ago we had another band discussion about what we all wanted from The Code and at that time Roger decided that he was no longer going to be able to be in the band. It sucked to hear that but it was good that he was being honest about how he was feeling. And like I said before The Code has always been about being an honest band so we set out to find another guitar player. Around this same time that Seth decided to go back to school. It was at this time that we started to feel like "Hey lets do the right thing and not drag this thing through the mud and call it a day." It became apparent to us that the focus had left the band and we had to do something about it quick. So with our heads held high and with an honest heart we will be closing this chapter of our lives.

This will not be the last you hear from some of us I promise. We will continue to be in bands, tour and make music. As I often like to tell people when it comes to things like this: "Its never over, its just beginning!"

Thank you all so much for all the high fives, stage dives, and circle pits!
We will never forget these days…
-Marcdefiant/ The Code 2006

10/12/06 Pittsburgh Mr. Smalls Theater Mustard Plug, Against All Authority, Westbound Train $10 adv/$12 door
10/13/06 Buffalo Club Infinity Mustard Plug, Against All Authority, Westbound Train $12 adv/$14 door
10/14/06 Erie The Forward Hall Hank Jones, more TBA $8 door