Student*Rick Encounters Strange Man Night before Terroist Attack

Student*Rick Encounters Strange Man Night before Terroist Attack

NILES ---- It was early Sept. 11, about 1:45 a.m. EDT to be exact, when the Michigan rock band Student Rick pulled into a gas station in Connecticut seeking directions."

This is really freaky, give it a read.

The band members had just finished a performance in Hanover, Conn., and were thinking about going downtown to New York City, which was nearly one hour away.

As they were about to pull away, a man band members describe as "Arab-looking" approached their van.

His words still haunt them.

"A word to the wise," he said just hours before the World Trade Center would be hit with two hijacked planes and collapse in ruin. "I would not suggest traveling long distances. From what I hear, winter is coming early; I have satellites."

The man also asked for some spare change.

"We were just like OK, whatever," said Jason Pavilanis of Niles. "What the hell kind of comment is that?"

"At the time," added bandmate Adam Reiter, of South Bend, "it was like 'What was that all about?' and we laughed and shrugged it off."

The group then drove off and ended up sleeping at a truck stop adjacent to a state police station. They turned their cell phones off and did not hear about the tragedy nearby until later that day.

The warning they received came to mind.

"It was the first thing that came to my mind after I processed everything," Reiter said.

"What happened the night before was not your average warning. It wasn't like somebody telling you to beware of road construction."

The four-man group, which also includes Zach Davis of South Bend and Brett Jones of Mishawaka, along with traveling tour manger Doublej, of Oquawka, Ill., ended up having the New York City performance slated for last weekend canceled. So they headed home.

When they told others of what happened, it was suggested they contact the FBI, which they did via phone to the Detroit office on Wednesday.

"They just said it sounds like it's something that needs to be investigated," Reiter said, adding that the FBI's (Phoenix) office called back for additional details later.

FBI officials could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

"It was pretty crazy," Reiter said of the meeting the man outside New York. "I am still throwing it around in my mind, putting it back and forth, wondering what was the deal. I can still remember his face perfectly."