Break-ups: Danger to the System (2003-2006)

Break-ups: Danger to the System (2003-2006)

New York's Danger to the System announced yesterday that they've broken up. The band had this to say via a MySpace blog:

This came on kind of sudden, we had a bunch of plans, things didn't seem like they were going to turn out as we expected, this idea came up and we just went with it.Its sad, its exciting, its all sorts of things. I want to thank everyone who has supported us in any way over the past 3 years. Its been a pretty good run for us, hopefuly most of you share that thought. We will be playing our last show ever on Friday October 13th at the Raise Your Fist House in Afton, NY. I hope to see many of you there. We are putting together 3 songs we recorded on a little EP called "Is There Any Hope?" and it will be available at the show for free/donation and we will post it online to download for free after the show.

As for the members of the band, Alex and Mike will both he playing solo and putting out albums through Raise Your Fist Records in the near future, while Duane is moving to Nebraska to work and further his education.

You can click Read More for more information regarding the band's last show.

Friday, October 13th The Raise Your Fist House 571 St. John RD Afton, NY 13730 Danger to the System, the Knockdown, the Riot Before, Alex's solo project, Project Citizen 7 pm $3-5