Ferret signs Chimaira

Ferret signs Chimaira

Ferret has signed Cleveland's Chimaira. The currently in the studio doing preproduction and beginning the recording of their new album Resurrection. The record is due out in Spring 2007. The band had this to say:

"The first one being with Ferret Music for our home turf North America. We have known the guys over at Ferret for many years and they are great friends. We look forward to building off that friendship and making great
records together. We knew we wanted to sign to Ferret right away and it was a great feeling to hear they felt the same way about Chimaira. They have a vision for this band that just blows us away, and we feel very
fortunate to finally be working with a team that understands us.

The band is the second high profile metal act to join the label in the past 12 months, the previous being In Flames who released Come Clarity in February.