Slayer banned in India

Slayer's new album, Christ Illusion continues to cause controversy worldwide. The album was recently banned in India. The ban is particularly interesting since Christians are a minority in India, which is largely made up of Hindus, Muslims and Buddhist.

Early this week, Joseph Dias, general secretary of the Mumbai-based Catholic Secular Forum (CSF), issued a statement taking "strong exception" to the
album's cover artwork, which he said depicts "Christ with a missing eye and amputated arms." He added, "we also
condemn the track, 'Skeleton Christ' as the lyrics are an insult to Christianity." The CSF also sent a memorandum
to Mumbai's police commissioner, adding that the album "will affect the sensibilities of the Muslims on the track
'Jihad' and secular Indians who have respect for all faiths."

Kaveri Khullar, marketing manager, EMI India said in an interview, "We met with the CSF and were apologetic while
assuring them that all copies of the album would be pulled out. We have no plans of re-issuing it in any way."

The CSF had earlier protested against the Indian release of "The Da Vinci Code" which led the Censor Board to
instruct the India distributor, Mumbai-based Sony Pictures Releasing India, to include a notice to accompany the
film to explain that it was a work of fiction.

The band's previous album, God Hates Us All was released in the United States with an altered cover, and Christ Illusion appears on Amazon with the cover art obscured.