Information is Power!

"In this time of corporate media disinformation and sensationalism, war propaganda, and blind patriotism it is important that we read as much from alternate sources as we do from mainstream media. Below is a list of some worthy articles and analysis regarding these events." It's interesting stuff, and it's good to see that in a time of such conformity throughout North America, there are still people willing to question things.

  • Indymedia Selected Coverage - a large amount of selected articles and radio broadcasts. most of the articles below are hosted by indymedia.
  • Violence Doesn't Work
    - an excellent article from howard zinn. "War is terrorism, magnified a hundred times."
  • September 11th - my rather long article about the terrorist attacks. includes analysis and opinions on lots of related topics from discrimination to security, war to why this happened. alternate link here.
  • On The Bombings - brief article from chomsky
  • bin Laden went to terrorist school at the CIA! - good article from michael moore about the fact we trained bin laden
  • US 'Planned Attack on Taleban' - an excerpt from a BBC report that claims the US was confirming an attack on the Taliban BEFORE September 11th.
  • Tamim Ansary on the Attacks - written by a former Afghan, he knows what hes talking about
  • Five Arguments Against War - again, the title gives it away. this article drives some strong points.
  • September 11 Talking Points - good article by the same 2 people who wrote the '5 arguements against war'. this covers many aspects.
  • Sikh Man Killed in Arizona as a Result of Racist Jingoism - the title basically describes the content of this article.
  • The Containment Myth: US Middle East Policy in Theory and Practice - another title giving away the article, shucks
  • Michael Albert Interviews Chomsky - this is Noam Chomsky my friends, read it.
  • The Counterterrorist Myth - "A former CIA operative explains why the terrorist Usama bin Ladin has little to fear from American intelligence"
  • disturbing look at press coverage of WTC & DC - definitely worth reading
  • The Need for Dissent - this article is driving the point that i've been trying to tell everyone since, probabaly the day after the attacks.
  • Black Radical Congress Statement on Terror Attacks - a great article from the black radical congress