Brodie Foster Hubbard says farewell to Phoenix, Phoenix says "F You!"

Longtime Phoenix-area musician and writer Brodie Hubbard is leaving Arizona to chase a career in television writing in Los Angeles. To commemorate his leaving, friends have set up a "Fuck You, Brodie Hubbard" going away show / roast.

Performing at the event will be Brodie Foster Hubbard, Andrew Jackson Jihad (Plan-It X Records/Asian Man Records), and Alexis + Carissa, featuring house band Haunted Colonge (Phoenix New Times "Best of Phoenix 2006" Award for Best Polka Band) with Kevin Patterson (host of Grand Avenue Live) emceeing and the following laundry list of roasters: Shane Kennedy (HFE, the Bi-Polar DJ of the Bikini Lounge, and drummer of the Broken Hearted Lovers), Bob Schriner (Chunklet Magazine), Emily! (artist, musician), Sku "T-Bone" Hadley (Uncle Sku's Clubhouse), Liz the Biz (spoken word), Wayne Michael Reich (artist), Zach Burba (iji, Sea Shells, new Willow House Open Mic host), CutThroat (CutThroat Freak Show), Leslie Barton (ex-Modified Arts), Dustin Martinez (a.k.a. Ricky Rage of Vaginal Dishcarge). Todd Hoover (The Invisible Teal), Josie Monroe (Merciless Entertainment), Stacey Gordon from Elastic Theater, Tommy Cannon from Elastic Theater, Dain Q. Gore (artist), Jared Blake (comedian), and JRC (stage manager for Grand Avenue Live and failed performance artist).

The event will take place from 8pm to 11 on Saturday, December 16th at the Trunkspace in Phoenix.