Fat Free Radio goes on hiatus

"from fatfreeradio.com:
Fat Free Radio will be going on an indefinite hiatus on December 1st, 2001. The following statement will explain the issue. I just want to thank everyone who contributed to Fat Free Radio and helped us out along the way."

Click below to read Fat Mike's statement. On a positive note, you all now have no excuse to not listen to my radio show on Tuesday nights online.

Hi all, Fat Mike here with the bad news. Apparently the listenership of Fat Free Radio is getting bigger every month. That sounds like a good thing, but it's not. Bandwidth charges keep going up too. The station used to cost us a couple thousand dollars a month, but now it's more like 6 or 7 thousand. The more people that listen to the station, the more expensive it gets, and the site was getting a tremendous amount of traffic. With every new listener the bandwidth charges increase. The sad fact is, is that we just can't afford it anymore. Our advertisers only cover about 15% of our costs and we don't want to go corporate. We may have to in the future, but for now we have decided regrettably, to go off the air for a while, if not indefinitely. Hopefully, technology will help bandwidth prices eventually go down and allow us to do what we set out to do. So for the next couple months, we will be limiting access to FFR. I wish this wasn't the case, but we have little choice. We spent a lot of time creating and building what we think is the first real punk radio station, and we feel terrible about shutting it down. So it goes. Thanx for your support over the last couple years, and hopefully for your support in the future.

Later, Fat Mike

posted Thursday, October 18
written by: Fat Free Radio and Fat Mike