Tours: This is Hell

Tours: This is Hell

This Is Hell have announced more dates in the coming months. The band recently promised a new 2007 full length. This past weekend, the band wrapped up work on eleven demos, the finished versions of which will make up most of the followup to the band's last full-length, Sundowning, which was released just over seven months ago. That album also recently garnered a spot on our year-end list. Sundowning's followup is promised to be properly recorded "some time after the summer," which it seems may already cancel out the band's 2007 release promise.

If the album's release is indeed squeezed into the 2007 calendar year however, this would mean the band will have released new, individual material four years straight: 2004's self-titled demo (self-released), 2005's self-titled EP (State of Mind), and last year's aforementioned Sundowning (Trustkill). A split with Cancer Bats is also in the works for this year.

You can click Read More for the dates.

February 17, 2007 Smithtown, NY Smithtown Masonic Temple Soldiers, Invade, Energy, Bring Out Your Dead
February 18, 2007 Asbury Park, NJ Fast Lanes Batter Up, Pellinore, Recollect
February 19, 2007 Harrisonburg, VA Captain Tee's Forced Forward, Swamp Thing, Up The Ante, The Homefront, xGloryboundx
February 20, 2007 Thomasville, NC The Soundvent The Fire The Flood
February 22, 2007 Tallahassee, FL The Beta Bar Poison The Well, The End
February 23, 2007 Columbia, SC New Brookland Tavern Poison The Well, The End
February 24, 2007 Wilmington, NC The Soapbox Poison The Well, The End
February 25, 2007 Richmond, VA Alley Katz Poison The Well, The End
February 27, 2007 Greensboro, NC Greene Street Club Poison The Well, The End
February 28, 2007 Charleston, SC The Music Farm Poison The Well, The End
March 1, 2007 Jacksonville, FL Fuel Coffeehouse Poison The Well, The End
March 2, 2007 Birmingham, AL Cave Nine Poser Parade
March 3, 2007 Lexington, KY The YMCA w. bands tba
March 6, 2007 Binghamton, NY Old Union Hall Set Your Goals, Fireworks
March 7, 2007 Buffalo, NY Chuggers bands tba