AFI side project Blaqk Audio resurfaces

AFI side project Blaqk Audio resurfaces

Though first announced in 2003, the AFI side project, Blaqk Audio has finally surfaced with a myspace page. The project was originally formed by Davey Havok and Jade Puget as a way to explore more electronic ideas.

The duo posted some information as well:

In case you were curious as to what Blaqk Audio is, it is an electronic group/band/duo, featuring Jade Puget and Davey Havok from AFI. Jade programs all the music and Davey is the vocalist.

The music, which the world hasn't heard a single note of yet, runs the gamut of electronic music, from dark to dancy to grinding. There is a full album nearing completion and will most likely be released within the next couple of months.

Back in 2003, the band had said to have wrapped up eight songs. They are also promising some music soon.

AFI released Decemberunderground last year.