Tours: The Ponys dates in support of "Turn The Lights Out"

Tours: The Ponys dates in support of "Turn The Lights Out"

Chicago's the Ponys have scheduled dates into May in support of their new record Turn The Lights Out. As previously announced the band hits the road in March with the Black Lips, followed by a stint with Deerhunter in April. Click below for the details.

The Ponys' debut for Matador hits on March 20th, it follows up 2005's In The Red released Celebration Castle.

The Ponys Tour Date
March 16 Austin, TX Oyafest/Oh My Rockness @ Emo's(inside) 1:00AM
March 16 Austin, TX Pitchfork Party @ Emo's(outside) 2:30PM
March 17 Hot Freaks Party The Mohawk 2:00PM
March 17 Mess With Texas Party Red 7 4:30PM
March 18 Houston, TX The Mink with the Black Lips
March 19 New Orleans, LA One Eyed Jack's with the Black Lips
March 21 Atlanta, GA The Earl with the Black Lips
March 22 Carrboro, NC Cat's Cradle with the Black Lips
March 23 Baltimore, MD Otto Bar with the Black Lips
March 24 Washington DC Black Cat with the Black Lips
March 25 Philedelphia, PA Johnny Brenda's with the Black Lips
March 26 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom with the Black Lips
March 27 Cambridge, MA TT The Bear's Place with the Black Lips
March 28 Montreal, QC La Sala Rossa with the Black Lips
March 29 Toronto, ON Lee's Palace with the Black Lips
March 30 Detroit, MI Magic Stick with the Black Lips
March 31 Chicago, IL Logan Square Auditorium with the Black Lips
April 06 Kansas City, MO Grand Emporium with Deerhunter
April 07 Denver, CO Larimer Lounge with Deerhunter
April 08 SLC, UT Urban Lounge with Deerhunter
April 10 Seattle, WA Neumo's with Deerhunter
April 11 Vancouver, BC Richards on Richards with Deerhunter
April 12 Portland, OR Dante's with Deerhunter
April 13 San Francisco, CA 12 Galaxies with Deerhunter
April 14 Los Angeles, CA The Echo with Deerhunter
April 15 San Diego, CA Beauty Bar with Deerhunter
April 16 Phoenix, AZ Modified Arts with Deerhunter
April 18 Austin, TX Emo's with Deerhunter
April 20 Nashville, TN The Basement with Deerhunter
April 21 St Louis, MO The Billiken Club with Deerhunter
April 22 Cleavland, OH Grog Shop with Deerhunter
May 04 Minneapolis, MN 7th St Entry
May 05 Milwaukee, WI Mad Planet