New Found Glory discusses label split

New Found Glory's Chad Gilbert recently spoke to MTV about their split with Geffen/Universal. The band released a number of albums on the label after being upstreamed to MCA from Drive-Thru and then moved to Geffen/Universal after MCA's dissolvement.

The split was apparently amicable and Chad explained: "It wasn't a shock to us, because it's been in the back of our minds for a while. And we were all sort of thinking, 'What's going to be our next move?"

As far as rumours that a poor showing - and poor marketing - for Coming Home might be involved:

I think some of our fans weren't into the last record, but the ones that were into it were really, really into it, and they loved it so much that they were personally offended that it wasn't all over everywhere. It was some other things behind the scenes that were out of anyone's hands. And I don't really know what those things are. You can't really know and you can't really say.

As for a new label, the band is not ruling out indies or majors, saying that they're open to anyone who loves the band and "has a plan."

New Found Glory has planned an interim release before their next proper full length. They will be releasing a sequel to their 2000 movie-themed EP, From the Screen to Your Stereo, titled From The Screen To Your Stereo Part 2.