Much The Same loses Chris "Gunner" McGrath as vocalist

Much The Same loses Chris "Gunner" McGrath as vocalist

In a MySpace blog post yesterday, Chris "Gunner" McGrath announced his departure from Chicago-area skate punks Much The Same. McGrath is rather opaque on some parts of his leaving:

The thing that attracted me to punk rock in the first place was the idea that I could live my life on my own terms, doing what makes me happy no matter what other people thought I should do. For many years, that meant being in a band and living the life I always dreamed about. Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to pursue success in this industry without compromising your values, your interests, your music, and your personality. For years, everything I've done and said has been calculated based on what effect it would have on our band, and that is a tough way to live when your natural inclination is to tell people what you really think and play music you love while answering to no one. Essentially, being in a punk band has stripped me of the freedom I originally found in punk rock to begin with. Even in leaving this band, I've struggled with the disappointment many of our fans will have with my decision, but I can't live to please others anymore.

Chris also cites his newfound engagement and the financial responsibilities that come with that choice as reasons for his departure.

The band will soldier on however. They've picked up Jared from Counterpunch, who contributed to their 2006 album Survive, as a fill-in replacement singer and will be searching for a permanent replacement in the meantime. The band will definitely still be joining Only Crime on the Canadian tour.