Sunday Edition: April 15th, 2007

Sunday Edition: April 15th, 2007

It's Sunday April 15th, 2007. Clap for the wolfman, he gonna rate your record high. Clap for the wolfman, you gonna dig him till the day you die

The people must have something good to read on a Sunday

We're at that point in the cycle of Against Me! news that high profile album updates will arrive with increasing frequency, this week's addition being the New Wave track listing. I still get excited whenever I see the name Operation Ivy in our news inbox, and the classic influential Energy looks like it's finally getting a reissue via Rancid Records. The strange case of Germs drummer Don Bolles' arrest continues, with the hemp soap producer coming to his defense. Al Gore's "Live Earth" concert series is coming together, with a huge number of bands participating including Foo Fighters, Beastie Boys, the Police and AFI. Speaking of good causes, Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong and his family are building homes in New Orleans for Habitat for Humanity. The Ramones may be gone but they're still getting some of that charity action, with plans for Ramones chucks to raise money for Project Red.

This week a music retailer condemned the RIAA and major labels for the decline in CD sales. Of course the industry's latest move to sue 400 college students isn't exactly going to breed loyal consumers. We linked a fascinating story about Iranian punk act Hypernova and the risks they face from being a band. We'll wrap this week with a mixed bag of stories, including the break up of Eighteen Visions, a live video of a new Bad Religion song, word that Connecticut will adopt an "official punk rock song" and the much debated "Blogger Code of Conduct."

This week we said goodbye to novelist and counterculture icon Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007).

Our Editors Picks for the week included music from the Unlovables while our Video Of The Week featured Quebec's Fifth Hour Hero. We brought you streaming music from Matt Pryor's new act the Terrible Twos, ex-I Hate Myself Gainesville act Die Hoffnung, and a pair of songs from Millencolin frontman Nikola Sarcevic.

Click Read More to see this week's streaming music, and more.

Radio Free Punknews

Check the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of anticipated new music including a new track from the Chariot, a preview of the upcoming debut from Sparta-related act Glos, a bunch of short music for short people from Short Attention, Prescott, Arizona's Hour Of The Wolf, Clementon, NJ-based Apple of Discord and Brooklyn's Nakatomi Plaza.

Staff Blogs

When not writing about music on the internet, many members of the Punknews staff find time to write about music on the internet. You can check out the depraved musings of Adam White at 2:59, while Chris Moran's all over the place with content rocking both MySpace and Flickr. Reviewer Jesse Raub posts short fiction and web comics to Things That Go Bump In My Head.

Life at Disconnect

We've theorized that you visit other websites out there, and we know it can be tough to leave the calming blue glow of the `Org, so we'll help by infecting the rest of the web with Punknews content. Waste some time on the and Punknews Records MySpace pages or contribute your listening habits to the weekly charts group.

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