First year of filming wraps on "The Last Pogo" follow up

Filmmaker Colin Brunton has written in with a progress report on his upcoming follow up to legendary Canadian punk documentary short The Last Pogo. The original half hour film was recorded in Toronto in 1978 at the Horseshoe Tavern. It captured what was billed as the last punk show in Toronto, featuring first wave Canuck punk bands such as Teenage Head, the Viletones, the Ugly, the Cardboard Brains, the Secrets, the Scenics and the Mods. The new film, dubbed The Last Pogo Jumps Again, Chacha Cha Cha! plans to track down everyone involved in the original show. Brunton commented:

we've just finished our first year of shooting. We've got about 75 hours of material, and we're going to shoot for one more year before releasing the massive documentary in December, 2008.

The hugely ambitious goal is to track down, tag and bag all 500 people that were there than night: the bands, the brawlers (it ended in a riot), the police, the fire department, and various hangers-on. And we're talking to people who played a lot in Toronto back in the day (hopefully, soon, a chat with Cheetah Chrome). There's about five directors involved, and we're shooting it -- so far -- on a nifty little Panasonic DVC camera, but we're open to other directors and other formats.

Right now we're looking for potential directors/camera operators in New York City and Philadelphia and Los Angeles and some town in Italy and Vancouver -- there's people in them there cities we need to talk to. There's no money of course, and your reward shall be in Heaven, but it's kinda fun and kinda interesting, and hey -- if you ever wanted to get started as a director, y'know, here's your chance. Big deal, but you'd get a credit as a director, and you can point your Mom and Dad to the IMDB and see your credit, and...y'know...stuff like that.

Further progress reports on the film and contact info can be found