Cartel's Bubble Bursts

Cartel's Bubble Bursts

According to blogsite tmz, Atlanta-based pop-rockers Cartel suffered a scare recently when the giant transparent bubble they're currently living and recording their new album in busted open.

As a publicity stunt/means to recording, the band set up living quarters and a studio inside the giant bubble, located on New York's Pier 54. The entire thing is being webcast via a series of tubes, which is likely where TMZ obtained video footage of a plate glass window shattering inside the bubble. Video is available directly from the sponsors, but requires registration and proof of purchase.

Tropical Storm Barri is to blame for the incident, which gave the band and their mothers (who were inside the bubble cooking dinner for the boys) quite a scare.

The stunt is sponsored by Dr. Pepper and the recording is being broadcast on MTV in a four-part special. As reported earlier, some people aren't fans of the idea and find the whole thing pretty reprenhensible. Music industry guru Bob Lefsetz said:

Ever heard of Cartel? Not me. But I'm sure they can't be making music I'm interested in. Music comes from inspiration, not marketing plans. Whoever convinced the act to be involved in this stunt.. should be exiled from the business immediately.