Toys That Kill, Arrivals, Ergs!, This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb, Pink Razors at Mauled By Tigers Fest

On July 19th the Mauled By Tigers Fest kicks off again in Chicago. The vent, which will run to the 22nd, features bands like Toys That Kill, the Ergs!, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, the Chinese Telephones, the Arrivals, the Bananas, Pink Razors, Ringers, and Japanther. Click below to check out the venues and band lineups that will make up the fest.

The fest will raise money for the Donor Choose program to promote literacy in poorly Chicago and Brooklyn area public schools. The event also supports the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

Thursday JULY 19th People Projects 2129 N Milwaukee Av $7

black ladies
totally michael
fletcher johnson
the goddamn rattlesnake
team robespierre
vivian girls

Friday July 20th, 7pm Subterranean 2011 W North Av $10

the arrivals
the chinese telephones
vena cava
canadian rifle
the potential johns
lefty loosie

Saturday July 21st, 1pm People Projects 2129 N Milwaukee Av $5

the ergs!
punkin pie
the ka-nives
johnny bodacious and the bad attitudes

Saturday july 21st, 7pm beat kitchen 2100 W Belmont Av $12

toys that kill
the bananas
the pink razors
dynamite arrows

Saturday july 21st, 11:30pm the mutiny 2428 N Western Av $FREE

a candythrash band from chicago, il
(lone) wolf and cub
chronic seizure
rager vs. skullzone

Sunday july 22nd, 1pm Ronny's 2103 N California Av $5

underground railroad to candyland
the bananas
bad blood

sunday july 22nd, 6:30pm subterranean 2011 W North Av $10

this bike is a pipe bomb
abi yoyos
ultra dolphins
the hunchback
Future Virgins