Happy Birthday, America

Happy Birthday, America

So regardless of political views and bandana colors, today is July 4th and that means it's Independence Day here in the US of A. Does that have a lot to do with punk music? It could. After all, without the freedoms guaranteed by things like the First Amendment, how else could a band like the Dead Kennedys, Black Flag or Suicide gotten away with their antics, message and everything else? While the US government at times has provided the ammunition it took to fuel the original embers of punk rock, it was the principles it was founded on that allowed it to flourish into the larger beast that it is today.

Anyways, the point is, Happy Birthday America. Even though our tyrannical overlord is based in the great white north of Canuckistan, Punknews.org wishes everyone a good day, free of BBQ-related burns and veggie dogs for all. We'll see ya'll tomorrow, although we've got a few stories to tide you over for the rest of the day.