Thursday discusses Island split, potential future labels

Thursday discusses Island split, potential future labels

Thursday, fresh off the major label treadmill and currently unsigned, recently spoke with MTV about their label status. In particular they discussed the confusion caused by their recent decision to release a retrospective DVD/CD through Victory Records, a label they've publicly fought with in the past. Geoff Rickly revealed:

"We thought it would just confuse the f--- out of everybody... The line of events that led us back to doing a release with Victory is so convoluted, but really kind of interesting. When we parted ways with Victory, we got our asses kicked. The lawyers killed us. Victory's lawyers were so strong. So when we started having trouble with Island with certain things, and we were asking to be let go and they didn't want to let us go -- we actually got the lawyers that beat us up from Victory, because they were the fiercest we had ever encountered."

...When we were touring on the last record, I was like, 'We're f---ed -- our career's over. We're not going to do anything interesting again. Everyone's starting families. Maybe we're just getting too old for this. Maybe 10 years will be a good mark to stop at... But at the same time, I felt we had been given such a good opportunity, and I wanted to deliver a few more albums that touched people, or at least try to.

The article explicitly states that the Victory release is a one off deal and the band's future home has not been chosen. It does reveal that the group talked with Ferret, Atlantic, Fueled By Ramen, Koch (for Death Row Records, funny enough), and yes Victory about the future collaborations. Geoff Rickly commented that he was "really interested" in Saddle Creek and Epitaph as well.