Tours: Thieves and Assassins / Agent (U.S. East Coast)

Tours: Thieves and Assassins / Agent (U.S. East Coast)

Thieves and Assassins will head out with labelmates the Agent for a U.S. east coast jaunt this August. You can check out the itinerary so far by clicking Read More.

T&A will be supporting their first full-length, Martyr Brigade, which has two songs available at the website of the label, Iron Pier. It's due to street in early August and follows up 2006's self-titled 7". Agent is supporting 2006's I Wouldn't Trade That for Anything EP.

Thieves and Assassins / Agent
August 15th Albany, NY Valentines w/After The Fall, 8 Miles High
August 16th Rochester, NY TBA w/TBA
August 17th Lemoyne, PA Championship Records
August 18th TBA, OH TBA
August 19th Indianapolis, IN 3843 Washington St.
August 20th Louisville, KY TBA - Need help.
August 21st Nashville, TN TBA
August 22nd Memphis, TN TBA
August 23nd Birmingham, AL Cave 9
August 24th Atlanta, GA The Treehouse : 100 Hurricane Shoald Road Suites P&O Lawrenceville
August 25th Orlando, FL End Of Summer Jam (at The Island Oasis, 2pm)
August 26th Orlando, FL Day Off at End Of Summer Jam (at The Island Oasis, 2pm)
August 27th Myrtle Beach, SC TBA
August 28nd Charlotte, NC TBA
August 29th Richmond, VA TBA
August 30th Washington, D.C. TBA