More on the Small Brown Bike benefit reunion shows

Marshall, MI's Small Brown Bike has announced further details on their upcoming reunion. Aside from the previously announced show on September 8th at Chicago's Subterranean, the band will play a show on the 7th in Michigan. The exact venue and city are still to be announced.

The band is reuniting as a benefit for a friend who has been battling Leukemia since February. After months in the hospital, intensive chemotherapy, and a bone marrow transplant, the friend is ready to get back on his feet and Small Brown Bike's set out to help.

The band broke-up in 2004, playing their final show in Chicago on January 10, 2004. They last released The River Bed on Lookout. Members of the influential post-hardcore act went on to play in LaSalle, the Great Sea Serpennts, A Love Dog, the Holy Fire and