Break-ups: The Braves (2002-2007)

Break-ups: The Braves (2002-2007)

The Braves, which features ex-members of Gods Reflex and the Evergreen Trio, are calling it quits. The band posted the following info via their MySpace page:

As you can see, August 31st will be our last show as The Braves. This maybe should have happened a while ago, but the timing is right now, for various reasons. And as a way to tie everything up, we'll be playing Love & Mercy in its entirety, as a five piece again with Phil. We'll also be having a bargain blowout spring cleaning of sorts, and hopefully get rid of our remaining cd's, record, and shirts. There may also be a DVD if we can cobble it together in time.

So thank you everyone who has supported us during the past 5 years, and we'll have a new project sometime soon, so please check back. I want to give special thanks to Marc Ruvolo, Mike Gibson, Brian Lodis, Gina Ross, Rob Vester, Erin Balek, and all of the rest of our close friends and family who have helped us out any time we needed it.

The band last released Love & Mercy in 2005 via Johann's Face.

Also, and confusingly, these are not the same Braves that recently signed to Pinky Ring Records. Those are from Brooklyn, these are from Rockford, IL.