Constantines, Final Fantasy at London, Ontario's LOLA

Constantines, Final Fantasy at London, Ontario's LOLA

LOLA, the London, Ontario music and arts festival, is set for the weekend of September 20th of this year. Running until the 22nd, the event will "transform downtown London into a massive public art gallery and concert space" with artwork placed in prominent public locations and projections adoring high rise buildings in the city's core. A free concert on Saturday night will feature Sub Pop / Three Gut post-punk act the Constantines along with the Hylozoists, the Melogrove Band, the Acorn, Akron/Family and others. A free Friday show will feature Grizzly Bear, Final Fantasy, the Two Minute Miracles and others. Other shows will happen over the weekend, including a DD/MM/YYYY and Holy Fuck show at the Call The Office venue.

You can see the full lineup and other details here.