Brent Hinds of Mastodon fought with System of a Down bassist

Brent Hinds of Mastodon fought with System of a Down bassist

Looks like the recently story of Mastodon's Brent Hinds has some more strange details coming out. According to a Metro police report released this week, the September 10 fight that landed Hinds in University Medical Center's intensive care unit with brain hemorrhaging, a broken nose and two black eyes began as a skirmish between Hinds and Shavo Odadjian, bassist for System of a Down and recent video director for the Bad Brains.

According to the police report--based on firsthand accounts and corroborated by hotel–security video footage--an inebriated Hinds was leaving Mandalay Bay around 3 a.m. when he encountered Odadjian and musician William Hudson at the hotel's west valet area. Hinds took off his shirt and hit Odadjian with it, then struck Hudson in both the face and chest, prompting Odadjian to advise Hinds "to relax," several times, according to the police report.

You can check out the rest of the story here.