New Music Roundup: Title Fight, X-AM, Brainworms and Dynamite Arrows

New Music Roundup: Title Fight, X-AM, Brainworms and Dynamite Arrows

Title Fight released the first song from their upcoming 7" Kingston. The song is called "Loud and Clear" and can be found at their MySpace page. The record is due out in February.

X–AM has released their debut album for free. Is In Love was recorded by Jake Brown (En Masse, ISYA, Moments in Grace, Decahedron, Twothirtyeight) and can be downloaded here, at their MySpace page.

Richmond's Brainworms and Brooklyn's Dynamite Arrows have teamed up for a split release. Brainworms are bringing two new tracks, recorded at Minimum Wage the same time as last year's split with the Catalyst. Dynamite Arrows also bring two tracks to the table. You can hear samples from the release at their respective MySpace pages: Dynamite Arrows, Brainworms.