Seville's Mike Marsh to stay full time with Dashboard Confessional

Seville's Mike Marsh to stay full time with Dashboard Confessional

"Mike Marsh, drummer for both Dashboard Confessional and Seville, has decided to stay full time with Dashboard. This is from the Seville web site:"
Seville has also announced their new drummer, Kris King [formerly of Against All Authority]. All the info is below.

First of all, the big news is the departure of Mike Marsh. He's gonna stay full-time with Dashboard Confessional. We remain close friends, and we obviously wish Mike and Dashboard the best of luck and continued success. Replacing Mike is basically impossible, so I guess you can consider Seville a new entity. We're pretty proud of the work we've done keep things moving. Our new drummer is a hell of a guy named Kris King. Those of you Against All Authority fans may recognize him; he played on the first 2 CD's and a bunch of 7"s. More recently he's been seen with the South Florida group Machete. Kris and Mike are great friends, so it's mades the transition as easy as could be expected. We've been busy writing songs for a new full-length CD, and we're definately excited to get back on the road. Some of the best news for us is being added the Flower Booking roster. We'll be among some pretty impressive company. You can check out their website at We're shooting for early March to get back on the road, so we hope to see all those wonderful folks we met on the Dashboard Confessional tour.

That's all for now, thanks!