Chris Summers asked to resign from Turbonegro, replacement announced

Chris Summers asked to resign from Turbonegro, replacement announced

Oslo, Norway's Turbonegro have announced a new drummer after asking former drummer Chris Summers to resign. The band had this to say:

It is with our deepest regrets to inform you that after his 6 month hiatus due to a damaged foot, personal problems and a focus on other projects, we have been forced to ask drummer Chris Summers to resign from Turbonegro.

Those of you who have seen the band during the last 60 shows have already been introduced to our new drummer, Tomas Dahl.

Tomas – a drummer from the age of 6 – is also known as Caddy, a veritable one–man songwriting and recording machine of international reknown ("the son of Paul Stanley and Brian Wilson", according to a review of one of his two full–length albums) with two radio hits to his name and to quote Nick Oliveri (who scoped him out with intense interest nightly during our tour with Mondo Generator) "one of the best rock'n'roll drummers I have ever seen".

The powerhouse that is Tomas has been part of the Turbo family ever since he at the tender age of 18 played drums on The Vikings' original recording of "Good Head" (Knut and Tom actually wrote the song about him; "sweeping floors at the mill all day", Tomas had recently dropped out of school to work as a janitor and driver at a local grain storage), contributing with backing vocals and vocal production on both Scandinavian Leather, Party Animals (during which an astonished producer Steve McDonald re–christened him "The Magic Truckdriver") and Retox. For a sample of Tomas go to

We wish Chris all the best in the future, and look forward to shifting gears into a new Deathpunk Era with Tomas behind the wheel!


The band lost a founding guitarist last year after the release of their album, Retox. The group is also gearing up for a short North American tour.