Turbonegro's Euroboy ill, band pulls out of European Volcom tour

Turbonegro's Euroboy ill, band pulls out of European Volcom tour

Turbonegro has been forced to cancel their upcoming performance on the European Volcom tour due to an unspecified serious illness incurred by guitarist Knut "Euroboy" Schreiner. Euroboy posted the following explanation:

I just wanted to say a few words about how sorry I am about the whole situation. First of all, I'm doing alright now, staying at home with my family and feeling ok, but I’ll be going trough treatment in the near future. I was really looking forward to going on this tour and kicking ass night after night in true, classic Turbonegro style, together with two other great bands. I’m sure we’d all have had a real cool tilme. Now my life has suddendly almost turned upside down and I won’t be able to tour or perform for a while. I can still play guitar of course, so I’ll work on some new "hot licks" and maybe write a couple of new songs (some top–of–the–mountain emotional power ballads that is, no just kidding!).

Recently there’s been changes in the line up for the first time in 10 years. I don’t want you to see what’s going on now as another step in that direction. My heart is still pounding for the mighty Turbonegro and its fantastic Jugend, very much too. In the last month we’d been rehearsing and doing some one– off shows in Norway and Switzerland, where we blasted through some new songs and and some old ones that we haven’t played for ages. I hope to be back on stage and deliver again later in the year. I think the band in 2008 fucking rocks. I miss Rune and Chris of course, but we’re all still good friends; they visited me and showed great support yesterday. But I have to say it’s very, very nice to have my old mate and super drummer Tomas Dahl as part of the engine. I know you’re gonna like it too, next time we come by to rip your dorf.

The band plans to reschedule the dates in the future.