Epoxies on hiatus; Roxy Epoxy moves on with new music

In a new interview, Epoxies frontwoman Roxy Epoxy revealed the current status of her band:

We called it an extended hiatus amongst ourselves and then the guys decided they didn't want to release a press release. I can't imagine getting back together at this point, but some time might make it a viable option again in the future. So, it might be a break. It might be a break up. Time will tell.

To that end, Roxy is working on solo material, saying:

I'm having a BLAST working on new stuff though. A lot of it came from the start of the last attempt to write with the Epoxies and some of it is up to 5 years old. It feels like painting with sound. I've been home recording a demo FOREVER now. It is almost done.

The band issued Stop The Future in 2005.