Future headline, Internet Radio Dead

"That's right, unless we get involved and fast. The RIAA and CARP are trying to pass legislature that will in effect, kill internet radio. take a stand."
Read all about this below. It's interesting.

from http://www.saveinternetradio.org/ -

"America's fledgling Internet radio industry continues to react in shock to the recent Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel ("CARP") decision that Webcasters should pay "performance rights" fees to record labels that are so high that they are currently more than 100% of most Webcasters' gross revenues!

The royalty rates are perceived by most observers as so high that they will effectively kill Internet radio as an industry if they're accepted by the U.S. Copyright Office. (The Copyright Office will decide whether to accept, reject or modify the rates and terms set forth in the report within the next 75 days.)

What listeners can do:

We're trying to get the facts of this situation known to the public and to members of Congress. You can help by writing a personal letter to newspaper and magazine writers, TV news directors & reporters. Detail your personal concerns about this issue and, if you want, cut and paste the following summary of the situation and add it to the end of the message. We suggest contacting individual editors and writers that you know or respect. You can generally find their email addresses on the publication or station's website.

Letters to the editor (which must be entirely original and not contain any pasted material) can also be sent to your local daily & weekly papers. In both cases we recommend that you send a copy of your message to all of your congressional representatives. See congress.org for email addresses. A copy via fax is also recommended, since faxes often carry more weight than email. Snail mail to Congress these days is very slow, due to the anthrax screening.

For the latest on the situation, and lots more background material see SaveInternetRadio.org"