Darkest Hour recruits new guitarist, set to record

Darkest Hour recruits new guitarist, set to record

Though the future looked bleak after the departure of longtime guitarist Kris Norris last week, Darkest Hour has apparently recruited a new guitarist, Mike "Lonestar" Carrigan, and have already planned studio time to record their next full length.

The band explained the choice:

We are excited to work with Brian again. He has been a long time friend and supporter of the band ever since its very first shows in 1995. When we recorded Mark of the Judas with him in 2000, it helped solidify our sound and define us as a band. Eight years later its time to do it again. With all the scars of our past to guide us, we look towards a new future.

The band is set to enter the studio in November for a planned 2009 release. The band released Deliver Us in 2007.