Face to Face with Carson Daly

Face to Face with Carson Daly

"Face to Face is headed to Last Call with Carson Daly on Friday March 29th. This show airs on NBC around here, you might local listings. If you're in the NYC area and are interested in reserving your priority seating please call their ticket line at 212-664-4550. The tickets are free but limited so call now! The show tapes in the evening at 30 Rockefeller Plaza and audience members must be at least 16 years of age. You will recieve an email confirmation about your reservations. In other news; the new face to face website is up and running. Featuring new sections such and gear lists for the band, a streaming jukebox and other goodies, it is the perfect counterpart for face to face fans. Check out www.facetofacemusic.com.(punkbands.com)"