Rise Against plans secret show in Boston, to benefit Boston Food Bank

Rise Against will be playing a MySpace Secret Show tonight to coincide with the release of their new full length, Appeal to Reason. The show is set to take place at TT The Bears in Boston today as part of MySpace's Secret Show series.

The band is asking fans to donate food which will go The Greater Boston Food Bank for entry into the show. The band has also partnered with Peta2 for the show who will be distributing literature inside the show. This is the first ever Secret Show in which MySpace have partnered with a charity.

The Greater Boston Food Bank's mission is to help end hunger in eastern Massachusetts. To achieve its mission, The Food Bank feeds more than 320,000 people annually in nine counties in eastern Massachusetts. MySpace Music has organized more than 150 Secret Shows since the franchise launched in February 2006 with artists like Gnarls Barkley, The Offspring, Neil Diamond, Slayer, Fran Ferdinand, and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs performing in cities around the world.