The God Awfuls become Brand New War

The God Awfuls become Brand New War

Punk act The God Awfuls have decided to rechristen themselves Brand New War. The LA-based band explained:

After​ much debat​e,​ we have decid​ed to play under​ a new banne​r,​ a new name,​ if you will.​ Being​ the God Awful​s has broug​ht so much to all of us. But alas,​ what'​s past is past,​ and it's time to put it to bed and move AHEAD​.​ We are conti​nuing​ to make music​,​ like the demo you heard​ poste​d on our page,​ and are going​ to do it out on the road again​.​ But for us, it was time for a chang​e.​ The music​ is a bit diffe​rent,​ but the senti​ment is the same.​ There​ will be more music​ poste​d on the "​BRAND​ NEW WAR" Myspa​ce in Decem​ber.​.​.​.​.​ We are going​ to put a recor​d out in the not-​too-​dista​nt futur​e,​ under​ the name,​ BRAND​ NEW WAR. This is the name of the band.​

The band released Next Stop Armageddon in 2004.