Dispatches: Bomb the Music Industry: Episode 4

Bomb the Music Industry! are continuing their first tour of the UK this week and are back for their fourth episode of Dispatches. For the dates of the tour, click here.
You can click Read More for the Dispatch, which include the band's trip to Wales!.


For the past few days I have been learning how to be away from just about everyone that I know. Sometimes it seems a little strange meeting new people because what the fuck do you talk about without giving someone the same old bullshit small talk? And what person wants to have a conversation that starts like this:

"Hello, my name is Jeff Rosenstock. I like public transportation, reading about Scrabble and whiskey. I dislike sweating, vomiting and the idea of capitalism. I am a musician who is successful enough to travel to other countries, but unsuccessful enough to not be able to make money to live off of it. I stay on the road just long enough to prevent me from finding a decent part-time or full-time job easily. My sister and I are thinking of writing a musical. I drink a lot and need most things repeated to me twice. Today I saw a sign for passport photos, and instead of using an adult, they decided to show a baby getting his passport photo taken. That made me smile."

And although I sound like a broken record at this point, I'm glad that everyone who has taken me in has been a fuckin' pleasure to hang out with. If I've learned anything it is that whenever you're out of luck for conversation, try and steer it towards movies or music. I can talk about either for days and days at a time, and I've found that everyone else pretty much can too. Talking about the weather is kinda contrived, really short and not much fun. Even if you like talking about the weather.

I had never been to Wales before and honestly had a slow time getting started. At the show the night before, my voice had blown out and I broke some guitar strings which gave me a bunch of shit to worry about. On top of it this was the first show where I wasn't explicitly instructed where to put the pile of shit that I carry around with me. Much of the beginning of the night was spent reading Slumdog Millionaire at a table while a ten foot radius around me was filled with clothes, spraypaint, stencils, guitar strings, cut up paper, tape, and so on plus Alex (the promoter) was busy working the door. Eventually I started hassling Luc the bartender about "y'all got scissors?" "y'all got beers?" "y'all got paper towels" enough to find out that he had heard of Bomb the Music Industry! and was excited about the show. He showed me up to the office where I could put all of my bullshit, set up a nice merch area for me next to Mario Kart (on Gamecube… can't win 'em all) and helped me out with some beers! Eventually my little moment of awkwardness subsided as I played video games with some kids while burning CDs on my computer. Now that I was in my nerdy element, the Wales show ended up being one of the craziest funnest shows. A lot of stuff was spraypainted outside and it was hilarious to see girls be face-punchin', boyfriend-cheatin', obscenity-hollerin', black-outin' drunk while they were hollering in different accents. Now that's a good new experience! Alex took me into his home and I spent a while talking to him and his roommate about the bullshit of David Blayne and the genius of Danny Wallace. This next part is going to come as a shock to you, so brace yourself:


Yeah, I was surprised too. Alex bought me a copy which officially meant I was going to intentionally only read books that have become movies which I haven't seen on this tour. After grabbing some more CD-makin' supplies and some really shitty Tesco food, I jumped on a train, had a miserable transfer at the tube station and for the millionth time thought "Well, shit. I should really get in shape."

Jazz picked me up in Cambridge and I had some fucking vegetarian bangers and mash! Holy shit, it was great! I've been eating a lot on this tour because of three reasons:

1. I don't like leaving plates with any food left on them because I know it makes the dishwashers' job easier, and because wasting food is stupid.

2. I don't like turning down food because I honestly don't know if I'm going to go days without eating at any point. So if someone says "would you like some food?" I say YES YES YES! Plus I like making food, so I assume others do!

3. All the food I've eaten has been really good English food (aka not chips.) Gotta keep the streak goin'. Fatten up for the sake of ever runnin' into a cannibal.

After the show at Portland Arms, I went back to a really nice house that belonged to D.S. (who used to work for Epitaph Europe and run the 'zine Fracture! Holy shit! Frankie Stubbs and Duncan from Snuff played his birthday!) and Georgie (who was wearing a rad Black Flag t-shirt and has a sweet band called Beverly Kills!) They were both a blast to hang out with and we stayed up listening to the AMAZING live Weston record and Mr. T Experience. They both had work in the morning, so Georgie drove me to the train station at about 10:00 AM. I had two meals in the eight hour span that I was in their house. I also found out that Cheap Girls are going to England. THANKS FOR TELLING ME GUYS!!!

Right now I'm sitting at a Starbucks as I was under the impression I could get free internet here. I can't though. I got to Banquet Records very early and dropped my shit off. I plan to go back soon and use THEIR internet. Also Frank Turner is doing an in-store which I'm pretty pumped on, the first good show here that I'm NOT missing (I've already missed the Streets and I'll be missing The Cribs/The Thermals.) Tonight after the show there's gonna be a Scrambles listening party and I'm pretty excited about it. After that I'm hoping to DJ battle Jon from Banquet. Introducing… DJ Tanner.